Moods’ Wing

September 27, 2010 § 1 Comment

Weather changes in its denied space. The sky over my head I walk on an illuminated road overlooking the valley that lies along the sea. And the weather shines gently on my face. The day scorches its way to a noon filled with sounds. “Dragon flies kissed me on my way to work” says an unassuming romantic. And the skies turn black without warning. Switchover to a downpour as if a bright sun is too much of a front for the weather to keep up. The rain drips through as it has for months now. The season will not give in to the beat of a calendar. By sunset the departure of the sun goes unreckoned, overshadowed by lightning wreaking silently in the furious sky. The night drizzle passes in silence. An occasional cricket and the whir of an active fan as the day gives in to its mood swings and I retire from mine.

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